Friday, August 8, 2008

Coming in at the 11th Hour

There have been so much raves about this heartthrob environmentalist's documentary, The 11th Hour, and I finally got myself to it. I was floored.

His good looks aside, I find this piece more appealing as compared to The Inconvenient Truth. The Inconvenient Truth was mind-blowing and it was definitely terrifying to know where human civilisation has brought us to and where it will bring us in future. It is an important piece of work as it did lay the ground works for this battle, for people like Leo Di. But, I felt a tinge of political agenda in it. And no doubt that the climate crisis will effectively be reversed when public policies are being altered in favour of the environment.

As for The 11th Hour, it approaches the subject with more hope. At the end of the documentary, I didn't feel doomed. And even if I did, I knew that I could do something within my own means. Being an environmentalist is not that far-fetched anymore. It's merely by voting, everyday. Trully, in future, I don't want my children, wearing the oxygen masks, to scream at me, "What were you thinking about!?!??!!?!??!"

Go watch it NOW. Even if you feel that a greener Earth is an utopia, go watch it for Leonardo's good looks *winks*